Thursday, September 20, 2007

Have been AFK

I have been AFK for awhile. Not because of the responses received from my previous article, just that real life managed to catch up with me. Lots of work and travel to remote villages in Alaska, and when I was home I was spending as much time as I could with my family.

I have in mind several pieces to write. Many of them would probably be considered inflammatory by some, this as evidenced previously doesn't phase me a whole lot. So perhaps over the next few weeks I'll get around to writing them, at this point though even all the notes I have for them are locked away in the mostly unused space between my ears.

Whats else has been going on? Removed PCLOS from both of my laptops, one got Ubuntu just for ease and simplicity in maintenance. The other got Sabayon, and is anxiously awaiting the Sabayon 3.4 mini which as of this writting is still being worked on.

I will be in Kansas City Missouri for 5 weeks starting Oct 10th for a radar equipment school, then home for a week before taking off to Oklahoma City for two weeks for training on a different system, home for christmas, then back to OKC for yet another systems class. I'm really going to rack up the air miles over the next few months going back and forth from Alaska.

On a side note, I had to put up a copyright notice for the site. After I wrote my last article I found it in all kinds of places, and in a few of them mangled fairly well. It was an opinion piece and you will notice the "I" in the title. It was and is my opinion, it does not necessarily mean that I think you should share it. Discuss it to death for all I care, agree, disagree, flame me all you want, but pulling it apart and using pieces out of context is disingenious at best and outright lying at its worst. So thanks to a few who have few if any morals, I feel forced to put certain restrictions upon any opinion pieces that I right.

Have fun

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